Whether you are in a class, utilizing a Studio Pass, or you’ve rented a loom, sign- up is required. To check availability click on Hours on this page. To reserve Open Studio email [email protected] including the date, time-slot(s) and area of the studio that you’re planning to use. You’ll receive an email confirming your reservation. If you don’t hear back from us before your planned session, call the studio, (718) 369-0222, during office hours to complete your sign-up.
We have a Open Studio maximum occupancy of 10 users. We limit the amount of people by area of the studio as follows:
- Dye Lab: 2-3
- Printing Table: 2
- Weaving Area: 4
- Sewing Area: 2-4
- Machine Knitting: 2-4
When you arrive for Open Studio, sign-in at the iPad at Front Desk and sign-out at the end of your session.
There is a Studio Monitor or Staff on duty during Open Studio to answer general questions, however, you are expected to have a working knowledge of the equipment and procedures you are using. If there is a new skill you would like to learn, ask us about classes.
TAC is a community-use studio. You are responsible for clean-up after yourself and will be asked to begin clean up 30 minutes prior to the end of Open Studio hours. Plan your projects with enough time to clean up your equipment and station.
While many materials at TAC are available to use during Open Studio, labeled specialty and class-specific materials are not included. Refer to studio signage on what is available for Open Studio.
Printing Inks
- Available for Purchase in Studio
- Extender
- Black Ink
- White ink
- Available for Open Studio Use
- Colored pigments in pump containers to use with inks and extenders
- Inks on the shelf label “up for grabs”
Natural Dyes
- Available for Purchase in Studio
- Use provided sheets to track what you are working with by weight/ material and pay at the Front Desk.
- Natural Dyes
- Extracts
- Mordants & modifiers
- Available for Open Studio Use
- Yarns on yarn trees
- Tapestry yarns in bins and shelving above
General Materials Available for Purchase
- Unbleached muslin
- Mercerized cotton
- Cotton duck
- Silk habotai
- Pattern paper
- 8.5 x 11” Translucent bond for screen printing
Most of the equipment featured in our Facilities & Resources section are available during Open Studio, however any single user equipment requires a prior reservation for use during Open Studio. These items are designated with a “*” under Tools & Equipment.
Please contact us to reserve any of these items during Open Studio:
The Textile Arts Center is equipped with:
Schacht Wolf Pup looms
4 harnesses, 18″ weaving width
$350 /month*
Schacht Baby Wolf looms
4 and 8 harnesses, 26″ weaving width
$350 /month*
Macomber looms
16 harnesses, 30″ and 40″ weaving widths
$450 /month*
AVL Dobby loom
24 harnesses, 60″ weaving width
$550 /month*
Loom rental is limited and subject to availability and reserved for experienced weavers. While there is a studio monitor or staff person on duty during every Open Studio session, all weavers will be expected to have a working knowledge of equipment and techniques, including winding warp and dressing the loom.
If you’d like a refresher or a chance to expand your skills, take one of our classes!
*This includes use of the loom, weaving equipment, and in-house materials as well as access to the studio during Open Studio hours for the duration of the rental.
We have different storage options available for rental, to allow Open Studio users to keep their materials, equipment and projects at TAC.
Cubby sizes and rates:
3 cubic ft (14” x 18” x 22”)
$10/week, $35/month
7 cubic ft (32” x 18” x 22”)
$20/week, $70/month
14 cubic ft (32”x 18” x 44”)
$40/week, $120/month