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Support TAC through Patreon!

Dear Friends,

TAC needs your help. If you believe in the work we do, in the artists we support, and the programs we offer, consider becoming a Patreon donor to help us survive through this pandemic recession. 

The pandemic first canceled our fundraiser for the TAC Artist in Residence Scholarship Fund, then canceled everything. When quarantine lockdown started in NYC, forcing us to close to the public, we decided we would pay staff continuously, we wouldn’t reduce hours, defer, or let anyone go. Truthfully we needed all hands on deck if we wanted to survive and remain relevant.  We always say we are a small team doing big things; we operate like a family business and we act like an institution. We are so proud of the ways our team has navigated TAC through this unprecedented situation.

With incredible urgency we developed a new online programming for youth and adults. We have yet to see our hard pivot to remote learning pay off (as in pay the rent) but have seen encouraging success in the ways we have been able to connect with new textile friends from all over the country and the world. 

We remained committed to keeping our programs accessible during this time, maintaining our scholarships for the Youth and Adult programs and offering new opportunities for our Artists in Residence program, summing to an amount of over $25,000 awarded in scholarships in 2020. 

Even with all our efforts adapting our studios and programs to the limitations of the pandemic, since March, we have observed a 66% drop in our income from programming. We have let go of our Manhattan studio, and we are nimble and ready to make whatever changes necessary to see through this time. Still, we are currently 12-17K apart monthly from making our bills.

Without another stimulus plan materializing, we are not in good shape. Loans and grants got us through the summer, and personal funds are now getting us through fall. The bills are piling up. We feel confident that we can continue to grow and bounce back ultimately, but getting there will be a challenge. 

Your monthly donation will be critical for the longevity of TAC and our programming. TAC has been a community-funded project from its beginnings and with your support, we will continue to hold space for textile learning and exploration for all.

Kelly, Isa, Kira + the TAC Team

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