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Textile Arts Center’s Work in Progress (TAC WIP) is a window into the studio practice of contemporary artists and designers that engages the public in a dialogue with the field of textiles.⁠

For one month, WIP residents develop and showcase their work and practice in TAC’s Brooklyn studio, located in Gowanus, a neighborhood with a thriving arts community. Residents receive a personal studio space and 24hr access to the Brooklyn studio, on top of a 30% adult classes discount, while being part of a community space inspired by a love and dedication for textiles. As part of the program, WIP residents host events, lectures, and workshops that relate to their practice for the community.

Applications will open in Fall 2025

2025 TAC WIP Artists

Matt Johnson

January 2025

Matt Johnson is a self-taught textile artist who began a practice in midlife. His installation Blood Music is currently on view at Materials for the Arts in Long Island City, New York. Recent group exhibitions include Parables of the Unknown at the Jamaica Center for Art and Learning, Jamaica, New York, and the 2024 juried show at Prince Street Gallery, New York, New York. Matt’s work and writing is featured in the Winter 2024 issue of Surface Design Journal. In 2025, he will join the summer cohort of the Apprentice Training Program at the Fabric Workshop and Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Matt lives and works in Rockaway Beach, New York.

Elly Dec

February 2025

Elly is a lifelong, n-th generation textile maker, having learned to knit, crochet and sew from her mother and her Babci. As a child, she was steeped in math studies, puzzles, and pattern-making, and pursued a technical career across several industries and countries. Her art practice has developed in recent years to include study of classical drawing, painting, and art theory at the Art Students League and at the Goshen Art Academy in NYC, and she brings this art historical sensibility to bear in her bead weaving practice. She resides in Brooklyn, and her studio is in Long Island City.

Alejandra Ortíz de Zevallos

March 2025

Alejandra Ortíz de Zevallos: Sculptor and teacher at PUCP, she recently earned an MFA degree from the University of New Mexico. Through her textile work she explores the symbolic language of unity, interaction, and reproduction. Her work addresses themes such as the creation of life, the dependencies of organisms, and the relationship between humans and the environment. She also leads workshops on natural fiber braiding, based on traditional techniques learned during her 2020 Mater residency in Moray, Cusco. Her work has been exhibited at the Museo de Arte de Lima, PaRC PINTA 2022 and 2024, Galería del Paseo, La Mancha, Wu Galería, CCPUCP, Museo AMANO, and Museo Pedro de Osma, and internationally at Youmein (Tanger), Lagos (CDMX), JCAF (Johannesburg), and Palazzo Madama (Turin). In 2022 she received an Honorable Mention from the Central Reserve Bank of Peru, in 2023 she was a beneficiary of the Economic Incentives for Culture and in 2024 she obtained the Surge Fund from the Mcknight Foundation. Her research is part of Future Materials Bank and she is also a member of the Ensayos and entre-ríos collectives.

TAC WIP Alumni

Emma Redmond
Erin Rouse
Gerardo Dexter Ciprian
Isa Rodrigues
Nathasha Brooks-Harris
Sadie Sheldon
Stephanie Santana
Winnie van der Rijn
2023 2023
Howard Ptaszek
Madison Berg
Michelle Fleet
Alyssa Carter
Emily Oliveira
Hannah O'Hare Bennett
Kayla Thompson
Timothy Westbrook
Barbara Minarro
Claire Le Pape
David Smith
Hannah Epstein
Kendall Schauder
Michael Sylvan Robinson
Sarah G. Sharp
Sheri Shih Hui
Tali Weinberg
Yr Johannsdottir
Annie Gunks
Emma Hasselblad
Erik Bergrin
Fiorella Gonzales Vigil
Hannah Washburn
James Hsieh
Kathleen McDermott
LJ Roberts
Tai Hwa Goh
Zaida Adriana Goveo Balmaseda
Diana Weymar
Diedre Brown
Digital Wax Print
Elizabeth Tolson
Julia Kwon
Karyn Lao
Lucia Cuba
Raisa Kabir
Sarah Hewitt
Tegan M Brozyna
Andrea Meyers
Brooklyn Lace Guild
Heidi Hankaniemi
Joey Casey
Kate Geck
Lisa Battachi
Rosa Novak
Tachi Tachi
Taller Textile dos Coyotes
Alicia Scardetta
Alison Smith
Andrew Benincasa
Kate O'Brien
Nadia Albertini
Whitney Crutchfield
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